
2:45am on 21st February 2015, so downcasted in my spirit on a lot of issues wrong, I rose to pray but could not. Tried to worship but was blank…I sat right there on that floor…..seconds into minutes … these few words and music hit me….I sang and sang for hours till I felt peace…. The singing continued all day, all week at the slightest opportunity. The rest they say is history. This song settled 2015.
Fast forward into the studio to record what I heard, LcBeatz checked in by chance, In no time he started dropping prayers as rhymes on my Hammond..Each rapper connected the next to cry their hearts out.
WAJOBA (Come, Reign) featuring LcBeatz, Provabs, SolaShittu, Nolly & Daboomsha is an unusual blend of traditional church music and indigenous poetry. Its not just a song but a prayer. #Psalms #Hymns. 


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